Monday, September 10, 2007

Race for the Cure

Sunday, my friends and I ran the Race for the Cure which was a 5k up in Mason.

I had to look like a dork, because I had to bandage up my nasty chafing accident . Well, and of course, when I walk I look like John Wayne.

I have decided that I really for real, do NOT like running 5ks. They always exhaust me. I was aiming for 10 minute miles since I have been training with 10:30 miles. I know that 5k is a lot shorter distance than what I am used to, but it is hard for me to switch between paces. Luckily, the sun was not out, so we weren’t baking on the course.

I took out the first mile at 9:03. But then of course I was starting to think “where is mile two…it has to be here somewhere?” I looked at my watch though, and unfortunately only 2 minutes had passed. Pttt.

It also stunk (quite literally) because the whole time I was running I would get this whiff of something like wet dog. Then I started to panic and wondered if it was me. But at the end of the race, the first thing my friend Malia said was “I was so grossed out because this girl I was running by smelled like wet dog the entire time.” I was not running next to Malia, so I was instantly relieved. Bill said he thought it was the sweatband he has to wear because of his laser eye surgery. So since we all smelled it, it must have been the trees or something. I don’t know. It HAD just rained.

We all did really well. Bill finished first (of course) with a 25 something, followed by me, with a 28:05. Maren kept a steady 10:30ish mile pace and Malia finished right under 33:00. We were all pretty happy. I was just glad that I could keep my 9 minute mile pace. It was exhausting.

The best part? IHOP afterwards! Mmmmmm, pancakes.

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