Monday, July 13, 2009

Pacing/Negative Splits

I have been really working on negative splitting my long runs lately.

On the 4th of July we had a "timed run" instead of our usual mileage run. We were running along the West Side Highway and the goal was to do 60 minutes out and 60 minutes back. I had been going out a lot more than usual that week because my sister was in town so I was really hoping to just do 10 minute miles. Lauren said she was going to do the same thing, so we decided to stick together. We started out with two other (fast) girls though, and I had to hold back from the group at about mile 3. They were doing 9 minute miles and I just didn't feel up to it. So I ran alone most of the time. When we got down to the Financial District (almost the bottom tip of Manhattan) the girls had all passed me on the way back. Pttt. Disheartening. But oh well.

Then, when I had about 4 miles to go I see Lauren just about 100 feet in front of me. What?! No way! She was WAY ahead of me. She pulled off of the trail to get water and I passed her, assuming we would catch up before we hit the park. Nope. She was no where in sight even as I was waiting at stop lights to go across town.

I actually finished with a 1:55! (A whole 5 minutes faster on the way back!) I was pretty impressed with this because I had walked for water breaks 4 times on the way back and didn't stop my watch. I felt great and had a lot of energy.

So, when I had set out to do a 10:00 pace I actually finished with a 9:23 pace. Nice.

So this weekend I set out to do a 9:30 pace. I really do think that I am going to benefit from going nice and easy on these long runs. I think I just need to get the long miles in and worry about time on Tuesday night speed workouts.

Once again, the group broke away from me. But you know what? I actually finished in front of them. I had a ton of energy at the end of my run. I could have done 5 more miles on pace, no problem. I did my 12 miles in 1:48 (a 9:00 pace flat). I was impressed with myself. :)

I guess I needed to listen to my coaches all along about long SLOW distance and negative splitting. But, in my defense, if you want to get a 9:00 pace, would you REALLY want to start your workout doing a few miles at a 10:00 pace? It doesn't seem like it would make sense, right? Besides, I am just stubborn. I am one of those people who needs to figure these things out for myself.

I have a 4-mile race this weekend. I am going to concentrate on getting a ton of sleep this week and trying to NOT let my mental state get the best of me on race day.

1 comment:

Dani said...

I can relate in that I find it impossible to start slow. I feel great and want to be fast! Also, when you are as slow as I am (close to a damn 11:00mm in this summer heat), it's really hard to run any slower! I can only hope with time I will get better.

Way to go for you to figure out the negative split! Keep it up!
