Friday, June 12, 2009

The X-Training Run

My friends and I are a little bit sick...

I say this, because we were really excited for Coach Ramon's cross-training run on Tuesday. I thought I was the only crazy one who liked this run, but as I was talking to the other advanced group runners in our warm-up I found out that I was not alone.

What is the cross-training run?

Well, Ramon puts all of the intermediate and advanced runners in a big circle and divides that circle down the middle. The first group (this was my group) goes on a 12 minute run (6 minutes out and back) while the second group does cross-training exercises. This consists mainly of lots and lots and lots of squats, some balancing exercises, some pilates and crunches, etc. But mainly lots of squats. We then switch groups. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. All in all, my group did 3 turns at running and 2 at cross-training. The other group did 3 cross-training and 2 running. (I wished I was in that group). Oh yeah, and it had rained all week, so the ground was nice and squishy and wet.

Ramon sort of reminds me of Jillian Michaels from The Biggest Loser during this workout.

He goes around and makes sure everyone has perfect form. He will push you into perfect form if you don't have it. And squats in perfect form HURT. Especially when you have to hold them for so long. Oh yeah, and no complaining. Because if you do complain either more seconds or more reps are added on.

My legs were shaking by the 6th round of squats (we did multiple rounds of squats in each 12 minute cycle).

Now, I will say, that since I do a lot of these exercises at home now on my cross-training days, that this WAS a lot easier than last year. But I also realized that at home I am not doing these exercises in perfect form (no 90 degree squats for me). So I will have to work on that. Even though it hurts.

We all left to go home on the subway covered in lots of grass and sweat. Three of us were headed to my neighborhood, so I didn't look like the only freak on the train. :)

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