Friday, March 19, 2010

Long(ish) Run Triumph!

Ok, let me start by saying this: I am probably NOT the person to emulate when it comes to training for long-distance runs. I have the best intentions of following schedules, but it never actually happens. Even with a simple training plan like the one I am following for the More Half Marathon, I just don't seem to log the mileage I am supposed to log.

This time especially. I am just not so gung-ho about the whole running thing and finding it hard to get up the energy to follow the plan. So I modified it (big surprise) the way I usually modify plans...I use the long run as a strict guideline that I must do on the weekend. During the week, I try to get in 2 runs. These runs vary in distance, but usually one tends to be a measly 2-3 miles and the other is a 4 miler. On the other days of the week I do some cross-training.

Now, the number of days I do mirrors the training plan, but the mileage, not so much.

Last night I told Bill we were going to do a longer run than normal because it was so nice out (I was even wearing my shorts!). Instead of doing our Riverside run up to our old apartment, we were going to do that run, plus our run from our old apartment to Grant's tomb (which was our old "standard run").

It seemed long. And I didn't realize how long until we got almost to the turnaround and Bill started talking about mileage (which I try not to think about these days). Turns out, I did exactly what I was supposed to do on the schedule last night...5 miles! (We actually did 5.42).

Despite being EXTREMELY tired at the end, it was a good run!

I felt pretty slow the whole time, but we ended with a 48:18, which means we were doing an 8:54 pace!
I was ecstatic with this, since my goal these days is to do under 10 minute miles on my runs. Also, I didn't end up stopping to walk, which I keep doing on distances over 4 miles!

I will take every little victory where I can :)

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