Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Slacking Again

So, I took an entire week off of running. Well, actually, an entire week off of working out. I could say it was because I was traveling a lot last week, or because I felt like it was more important to get sleep when I was stressed than run, or that it was just too cold and rainy, but the reality is that I just didn't feel like it. I even had a day off on Friday and I still didn't run...and then I tried to tell myself that since I cleaned like a maniac all day that that had to count for some kind of physical activity.

So, last night I FORCED myself to run...EVEN THOUGH it was still cold and rainy (and windy). It was rough for sure, it always is after you take a week off. But luckily Bill was battling it out with me. And I do always like running in Central Park. This is probably because I spend so much of my life there, running. This winter has seemed especially long, which I'm going to say has a lot to do with my not wanting to run. I realized this when I told Bill last night "Hey! Maybe on Wednesday I can wear shorts on our run!" It is supposed to be sunny and in the 60s from Wednesday onward, so I'm hoping that will help.

And what do you know? After being exhausted from our little run last night, I slept like a rock!..which is something I can't say that I've done for awhile. I guess that's reason enough to keep it up.

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