Yes, these are all symptoms of running while pregnant...which I am...very much so. (My running friend Jen was also confused as to why Bill was checking my energy level so much and being so overprotective in my latest blog posts).
Honestly, I was just happy that I was still allowed to run! I mean I spent a good part of my summer last year studying the Runner's World Guide to Running and Pregnancy
The book actually is WONDERFUL and I would recommend it to anyone, because it tells you everything you would ever need to know about running while pregnant and everything you will go through emotionally and physically (or, at least it has so far), which was a nice preparation.
One thing I didn't know? My times will increase dramatically. There is just no way around it. And I'm actually okay with that, although it took a lot of mental prep. I just keep telling myself that it is a whole new ballgame. It gives me "new" goals too. Like running a 5k race under a 10 minute pace. Or doing a long run without stopping. Or running my longest distance ever (while pregnant). Or even just training for a half marathon (which is this Sunday, by the way!)
Luckily, I have a GREAT support system with my friends and family and running buddies. So it's made everything a lot easier.
Bill and I have actually learned to really ENJOY running slower together. He said my attitude towards running is much more balanced, and he can tell that I really love running again (not that I ever didn't, but sometimes it really is more of a chore to tick off of the list).
And now that the secret's out I can FINALLY write about running freely again and not feel like I'm hiding anything :) And boy, do I have a LOT to write about now.
Congratulations!! I've been reading your blog for a few years now (which kind of makes me feel like a stalker), and you really inspired me when I started running. I'm now about to run my first half marathon next weekend (the Pig). Anyway, I ran up until my 30th week when I was pregnant last year and I'm so glad I did. I think it really helped me have a better pregnancy, easier delivery, and staying in shape during definitely helped get the baby weight off after. Good for you for sticking with it! Good luck!
Hey! My friend Judi just pointed me this way-- good to see another lady in the FetusRunners club. Have you read "Exercising Through Your Pregnancy" by Clapp? Soooo so so so much better than the RW book IMO since it's the science behind what happens when you work out preggers.
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