Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Check THIS Out!

Seems like my most favorite runner, Kara Goucher, is also running pregnant! My friend Gina forwarded this article to me over the weekend. And her and Paula Radcliffe are due about the same time that I am!

So is it weird that this makes me feel more positive about my future running experiences? I mean, it's definitely not like "Well, if Kara can do it, I can do it." Because I read that she did 70 miles last week. Erg. I did like 10 miles last week. And I like that her "slow pace" is an 8:15 for a 10k. That is like my fast (non-pregnant) 10k pace! (But if her SLOW pace is 8:15, and her racing pace is like 4:58, that makes me not feel so bad about my new 10-11 minute long run pace). That article does make me feel like "Yay! I can do it!"

The other cool thing is that both of these ladies are running the Women's Mini 10k in June, which happens to be in Central Park, which I happened to sign up early for this year.

(Ironically, I think I am going to get in my 9+1 pretty easily this year, even though I deferred my entry to the NYC marathon for this year to the I wouldn't even HAVE to do 9+1 to get in!)

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