Tuesday, January 18, 2011


So I survived the 6 mile run, Harlem Hill and all. And the next week I even survived the 9 mile run! I was very very sore all day but as I told Bill, it kind of felt good to be that sore again. And the next day I was fine anyway. I will say that it has been a bit of a challenge to get out and running. Some days it is just way too cold to take the baby out, no matter how much you bundle him up.

So I've been trying as hard as I can to bust my butt cross training on the days I can't run. Luckily I got some new DVDs for Christmas that actually push me. But even so, it's just not the same as running. I definitely took a day off from the long run I did on Sunday, yesterday...but it looks like there's no way I can get out today because of another crazy East Coast winter storm. So I'm crossing my fingers for tomorrow.

As for the half marathon this weekend? I think it just wasn't meant to be. When I signed up I forgot that we would need to get a babysitter because of Bill's cooking class, which kind of overlaps timewise with the race. We would need to find a babysitter for a couple of hours, which probably wouldn't be a problem normally...except that this weekend all of our friends are going skiing for my other friend's birthday. Whoops.

Oh well. So is the life of a mother-runner. :)

There is always next year for the Grand Prix, and we are supposed to get more awful weather Saturday anyway. And now I can train properly.

1 comment:

Jives said...

Aw, I'm sorry sweetie. I'm impressed that you can do nine miles! Good for you for getting out there and running when you can. You look amazing and are an inspiration to those of us that struggle with the idea of 30 minutes on the elliptical (lame)! Keep on truckin' Good Twin. xx