Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Test Run

Last night we had a "test run" in Central Park. This is something that Coach Ramon does so that we can see how much we have progressed. Unfortunately for me I wasn't around for the first test run, so I had nothing to compare it with. So I just figured I would run hard and remember my time for next time we do a test run.

The advanced group's test consisted of two two-mile repeats wedged in between a warm-up and cool-down run. The first 2 miles was from East 72nd, up Cat Hill to East 102nd and across to West 102nd. This was tough because it included Cat Hill. I was breathing heavily and trying to not get too hung up on the fact that people were passing me. I just kept thinking of what everyone (mom, dad, teachers, husband) has told me my whole life which is "Don't worry about what everyone else is doing, just concentrate on doing your best." But, as a side note, I think the reason that I push myself to do my best is because I'm concentrating on what everyone else is doing. Ha ha. Anyways, I was happy to see as I was crossing 102nd street that I had caught up to the girl who usually runs just a little bit behind me. I also noticed that The Mentor That Paces Way Too Fast was right by me. So I figured I wasn't THAT far off. When I finished the repeat I was at 17:03 which is roughly an 8:30 pace.

Our recovery (ha!) was Harlem Hill to East 102nd. I had to keep telling myself to slow down because it was a recovery, because I can't help wanting to speed through that hill to get it over with.

The next 2-mile repeat was the same course backwards (West 102nd to East 102nd to East 72nd). The Mentor That Paces Way Too Fast, the girl I run with sometimes and I decided to do the last two miles together. I was a little wary of this since I had a really bad experience with her going out too fast. I think she was trying to make up for it though. She kept giving us running advice and updating us with our pace like every minute via her Nike+ wristband. She was telling us how we could keep pace until Cat Hill and then we needed to sprint in. She was telling us that we all should run together in the Marine Corps and that by our pace tonight (8:30 mile) we could totally do a 3:55 marathon (8:58 mile). Fast pacer was overwhelming me by talking about a lot at once when I was trying to concentrate ("Have your boyfriend cut up oranges for us three at mile 18. Hey guys slow down we're going to die on this pace. You aren't too talkative are you? Guys, slow down, for real!") I also felt like they were flying, so I cut back a little. They flew ahead of me and kept looking back and making sure I was there. I kept telling myself that I knew what I was doing. I needed to take it at a hard pace where I could breath heavily but not too heavily.

They kept being further and further away from me. At Cat Hill though, I was right up with them again. Fast pacer said she was worried about me. I said "Nah. I've got to do my own thing. I have to start out slower and build up."

I think I've been stressing way too much or something, because I found the whole thing very distracting. I mean, it was no fault of the other two girls, who were just trying to help me out and make sure that I had a good run, but I just felt like I needed to do my own thing. For me, trying to improve on my running takes a lot of concentration...especially on speedwork days. I am just not used to people talking the whole time on speed days. Most everyone I ran with in the past is panting too heavily to do so :)

I sprinted in the last 50 feet or so, finishing that one with a 17:17.

I was a little bummed to get 15 seconds off, but all in all I think it was a good run.

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