Monday, February 2, 2009

Not My Finest Run

I think that I should probably not run when I am overly stressed. It is a fine line to walk, because sometimes a run is a great stress reliever. But when I am really really stressed, it is probably not a good idea.

I say this, because after not really getting to work out as much as I wanted last week (only 2 days of running during the week and NO cross-training) my ten mile run on Saturday was pretty much crap. I mean, my time wasn't really that horrible (1:44, without stopping my watch when I stopped for an extremely long GU and water break, and once when Bill's phone was ringing). But I just felt awful.

I think some of this can be attributed to the fact that my heart monitor was too tight. I need to find that happy medium. Last week, it was too loose, and I had to keep reaching up under all of my clothes to pull it up during the race. But if it's too tight (like it was Saturday) it makes me feel sick to my stomach.

But besides that, I think I was just too stressed to run. 10 miles seemed like forever long, which is funny because 13.1 seemed like nothing last week.

This is not good. Because I also feel like a huge tub of lard, since I didn't get to work out much during the week.

This week is not shaping out to be any better. It is 6 o'clock (the time I used to go home) and I am waiting for changes to a presentation that is supposed to go out tonight. Yay! (Sarcasm). So, since I will be working late (again) I will be exhausted again when I get home. It's not even like I could have worked out early this morning SINCE I GOT UP AT 6:20 TO GO TO WORK EARLY!!! And I will probably order an unhealthy dinner to eat at my desk while I am working (not many healthy take-out options).

I seriously contemplated not even doing the marathon because it seems like this is pretty standard for my new team at work to work these hours.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know it is snowing today, but spring is coming. And we'll change the clocks soon. Then all will be better!

Pretty soon it won't be so hard to go out for a late run even after long hours at the office. Hang in there...