Monday, February 9, 2009

Things I Did Right

These are the things I have been doing right in my running which led to an AWESOME race on Sunday.

1. Got a LOT of sleep this week.
2. Started cross-training with weights religiously, concentrating on form and pushing myself.
3. Ran with a "zen" attitude.
4. Kept a positive attitude.
5. Had an attainable goal.
6.. Ate a 200 calorie breakfast of Cheerios an hour and a half before the race.
7. Picked a friend to beat.
8. Drank Gatorade instead of just water during the race.
9. Pushed myself up the hills without overdoing it.
10. Concentrated on keeping my back shin parallel to the ground as I was running (to keep good form/get a good stride).
11. Sang "Merry Happy" by Kate Nash over and over in my head (to keep a good rhythm).

I actually think that the first 3 are the most important because they are what were most different than what I usually do.

All I know is that I woke up very determined to get a PR on my half marathon in the Bronx this weekend. Not JUST a PR either. I needed to break the 2 hour mark. To do this, I decided that I needed to feel like I did during the Staten Island Half (where I got that PR...2:01.13). I remembered that I felt like I was putting forth a hard effort that I could probably sustain for the whole thing, but definitely NOT holding back too much in those first few miles. This is different from everything that I have learned, but now I'm wondering if it is just MY perception of what "holding back" means.

After the first mile, I looked at my watch: 8:43. Whoa! Slow down, sister! So I did. Or at least I thought I did. The next mile: 8:24. Seriously, girl, slow down. Next mile: 8:05.

In the Marine Corps marathon this is when I started beating myself up. This time I was just like "Ok. Whatever. Just see how it plays out. This is a practice race, and if you die and can't finish, you die and can't finish. Your body knows what it's doing..." (see this article...especially the second paragraph).

Well, it worked. I didn't die until mile 10. And even then, I only got down to 9:20. Plus, I psyched myself right back up and concentrated on hitting the next mile at a sub 9...which I did!

And I finished with a 1:54.38. Best. Time. Ever.

It made me wonder if I should modify my training pace. But according to McMillan's cool training calculator it actually looks like I'm right on track with my long runs hitting a 9:44-10:44 pace. How is that possible?

Well, anyway. I am happy :)


Anonymous said...

Awesome - nice race. Nothing like shaving 7 minutes off a half marathon PR, right? Actually, I wouldn't know!

I'm a little sad I didn't get run Bronx this year with the great weather...

Anonymous said...

Freakin awesome, Emily! A 7 minute PR on a half! Amazing.