Monday, January 11, 2010

New Years Resolutions?

By this time of year I usually have my race/workout schedule all planned out. This year, I am deciding to sort of play it by ear. I haven't really gotten to a point where I want to go out and run again, but it is not a totally unappealing idea to me, which is, at least, an improvement.

I am totally enjoying the wii fit, but I kind of feel like this is a cop-out when it comes to exercising. I have done the wii fit almost every day this weekend and have a great time. The minutes just tick away. Afterwards, I do some (assisted) pullups on our new over-the-door chinup bar. I do see a difference in my arms and shoulders. It's amazing what a little switching things up will do for you.

I also have a fun 5k run planned with a lot of my running AND non-running friends. It is on my birthday too!

I kind of want to look into some trapeze lessons as well. I have no idea how expensive this is (probably $$$) but when I mentioned it to my friend yesterday she said that she was looking into it with another friend of ours. Working out with friends is a definite plus for me, and I have heard that trapeze is a GREAT workout.

So I think the resolution this year is to have fun working out. It is crazy but this week I lost .9 pounds! That is a LOT for me because I really kind of have just fluctuated between 140-142 since college. So I'm hoping my new attitude towards mixing it up and enjoying my workouts is contributing to this. :)

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