Tuesday, January 5, 2010

H8 Running

Every year for the past three years I have done 2 marathons. After the fall marathon I usually take a break, do a 5k or something, but nothing very serious. I stop posting, I stop thinking about running. In January I am up and ready to go, usually training for my next half marathon and on my way to my spring marathon!

This year, not so much.

In fact, right now, I pretty much hate running...and all working out. Oh yes, I was very excited to take some time off and do some cross-training, but now I pretty much hate that too. Working out has become a chore, and something I am only doing because my metabolism will revolt against me if I don't. So, in essence, I have become like most Americans, working out only to maintain weight (I have given up on losing it).

Part of the problem I know is that I have nothing scheduled to look forward to. But part of that problem is that nothing is appealing to me. Manhattan half? Out of town. Bronx half? Who cares? 5ks? Eh. No need to scurry around collecting my 9 NYRR races either since I've already qualified for the NYC marathon.

It doesn't help that I've moved. I feel like I now live in the WINDIEST corridor in Manhattan and am reminded that every day when I walk home. Not much motivation when I already detest going out in the cold/wind. Yes, once I'm out there it's fine...but getting out there is the problem. Last year I would have hopped on the elliptical or treadmill and passed that off as running. But my new building doesn't have a gym, so that's out too. (I wouldn't have done it this year anyways.) And honestly, these things haven't stopped me before.

I could chalk it up to the fact that I'm not doing a spring marathon. But you know what? I just don't feel like doing one.

It makes me sad/worried that I feel this way. I don't want to stop running. But really? I kind of hate it right now. :(


busyrunningmama said...

Maybe you need a break, you said you have done 2 marathons a year for several years....TAKE A BREAK....you will eventually miss it, until you do, don't worry about it. Try something completely out of your comfort zone and see if it sparks a new excitement in you....say rock climbing?? Boxing?? Something you can do indoors...out of the cold/wind. What about one of those places that has the jumping bounce house type things, they offer bouncy workouts??? Not sure what you have available but try to come up with one or 2 things that you've never tried and just see what happens. Everyone feels this way at some point....keep your chin up, all will be fine in the end, until then, your bloggy friends are here to listen.....

Unknown said...

I also found this relevant quote from my former coach, Ramon, on his facebook page: "Run only if the run you are about to conquer has meaning and satisfies both your body and mind. Stay away from senseless runs, they only damage your confidence and your body."