Monday, February 1, 2010

Central Park Welcomes Me Back

This weekend I decided to be a little cheerleader and encourage my non-running friends to train with me in Central Park (we have a 5k coming up soon). I promised we would take it nice and easy and max out our mileage at 2 miles. Afterwards I said we should go to brunch. I also made the run at 10am because I knew people would want to sleep in a little and I made it at 72nd Street because one of my non-running friends would only have to commute half a block for said run. Guess how many takers I had? That's right. None.
(To be fair, one of the girls lives in that would have been quite a trek for a little run.)

Considering that I pretty much HATE winter and HATE running (still) this was NOT motivating to me. :(

Luckily, Bill was willing to humor me, and we set off on one of the chilliest mornings of the year (16 degrees) to tackle the lower loop. As Bill very aptly put it, he has a love/hate relationship with Central Park. It is very very beautiful (even in the cold and winter) but it is also very difficult to run because of the hills. The hills are sneaky too. They don't look like hills, but you can sure feel them. By the time we had reached the east side I was panting a bit.

It's funny that Central Park would take that much more energy. I mean, we have been running Riverside Park every week. I guess it's those tricky hills. (I did remember about 3/4 of the way through the run that I absolutely hated the lower loop and used to do anything in the summer to get out of running it, including adding on mileage. Oh well. I guess it is good for me.)Bill and I decided that we needed to run Central Park at least once every week.

We also rewarded ourselves with brunch. Of course.


Gina said...

Hehehehehehe. Way to call me out, Mason.

Jives79 said...

Aw, I wish we lived in the same city. I am having the same motivation issues, keep getting lured into the pub instead. I need a good running buddy!