Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Back in the Groove

Elliptical running is not the same, but hey, at least I am doing something right?

After Bill left last night I jumped on the elliptical for 4 miles. I don't know WHY it seems to take twice as long to do elliptical work than actual running. It is pretty annoying. But there is no way I could have run outside last night. Dodging traffic is one thing, dealing with the crazy wind is another. Apparantly winds are like at 50 mph or something crazy like that. All I brought are a pair of running tights and some long sleeved tech shirts. Brrr.

I do find it a lot easier to work out since I have a gym right in my building. It is so funny how just a 15 minute drive is such a barrier when it comes to going to the gym.

I am trying to think of practical running things to put on my Christmas list this year. I already asked for a big heavy jacket so I can brave the sub-zero temperatures (if they come). I also signed up for Runner's World (but STILL haven't gotten my first issue :( I know there was a cool website that had all kinds of running gear that I loved, but I guess I have to wait until I get home to remember it. I found them at the Chicago Expo and bought a shirt that said "Marathon Ho", which I find myself wearing all the time. :)

Tonight is weights and maybe biking. Tomorrow I am up at 5am for a long drive to Connecticut. Bleh.

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