Wednesday, December 12, 2007

December December

December is absolutely my worst work-out month. It is when I go into a running slump.
I think this is because I am not training for a marathon.

Bill actually asked me a few nights ago if I was planning on doing two marathons again this year or if I was just going to do one. I said definitely two, because training for marathons just does it for me (I guess it is kind of like an addiction) and the two months that I am not training for a marathon (December and June) I go crazy.

I guess I didn't really realize all this until I had to verbalize it (which makes me laugh), but it is true. So I am continuing to look for training programs in New York. I haven't found any specifically for marathon training but I have found some good running clubs/programs. There is, of course the New York Road Runners which really is more of a resource than anything else. But there is also the New York Flyers which only costs $25 to join. They have group runs from Central Park that are 6 miles long (one lap around the park), and during marathon training seasons they extend to two or three laps. They also do things like speedwork and trail running. They also have organized running classes with a coach on Tuesday nights (this costs $100 a year). As of now, the Flyers seems like my best bet, but I'm still looking! :)

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