Monday, December 3, 2007

Lots of NYC Running

but mostly on a treadmill :(

It gets so dark so early here. And as we know, I am NOT a morning runner. Therefore, I have been spending a lot of time in the gym.

The good news is, that I have been working out every day. AND I am staying at a really nice hotel that has a cardio theatre and a weight room AND earbuds and apples and a lot of other ammenities at the gym that make me want to work out. I am also staying at a very busy part of the city, which would make it difficult to run outside anyway. I would spend most of my time waiting to cross the street. I am just happy to stay physically fit at this point. And I'm realizing how I have to start training for the Pig VERY soon.

This doesn't scare me as much as jump starting my training for Chicago did. But that is probably because I took a verrrry long break after the Pig and went into a running depression. Now, since I have actually been training I think it will be easier.

I must admit, I did take the weekend off from working out.

Bill was up here to visit too, so we totally pigged out on really bad-for-you New York food. So that means an hour in the gym tonight. Back to reality :)


Unknown said...

I recently found your blog and am loving reading about your running experiences. I hope it's OK that I liked to it from my blog.

Unknown said...

I'm glad you're enjoying it! Thanks for linking to me!