Friday, December 7, 2007

Home Again, Home Again

And yes, now that the "official email" has gone out to the company, I think it is safe to say that I will be relocating to New York City.


Now comes the fun question...where will I do my marathon training? Because, yes, I will still be doing the Pig. And even though my new New York co-workers are much more of a good influence on me (they eat healthier AND work out a lot) I don't think that will be enough on those long Saturday runs. I just don't trust myself to rely on me alone.

I have done a little research, and even though we all know that everything is a gazillion times more expensive in New York, I still had a little sticker shock.
I guess I really didn't realize what a great deal the Roncker training programs are. The training program I found is $425 for 2 months. That includes the running group workouts which are twice a week. Nothing else. No little pep talks, no gear, no speakers coming in to talk to you about nutrition, etc.

The other program I found is free. It is a Nike Running group. It actually sounds really cool. You meet at Niketown (in midtown) check your bag, and meet the running group and instructors in Central Park for a 3, 5, or 7 mile run. They also have bagels, pastries, fruit and bottled water back at Niketown for after the run. This sounds right up my alley. Very cool. But, the sessions look like they start at 5:45 pm. That seems pretty early to me. Especially since New Yorkers are notorious workaholics. And I obviously will need to be logging more than 7 miles.

So I'm still looking.

My New York co-worker, Julie, swears there are tons of affordable programs out there. She was in one for a few months. But unfortunately, it disbanded. :(

The other good thing is that there is a gym AND weightroom in my apartment building. And it is FREE to residents.

So I guess I don't really have an excuse for not working out.

So if any of you for any reason know about some cool marathon training groups in New York City, that do not cost $425 for two months, let me know!!!

1 comment:

Casey said...

Wow, that's totally awesome that you get to relocate! I hope you have a very successful and fun time in NYC!