Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Little Late, But...

I decided that I am going to be proud of myself for my Marine Corps Marathon time.

I am NOT trying to be a big-head or be overly braggadocious. But here's the thing. I was pretty darn disappointed with my time. I was like "Yeah, yeah, I did ok. BUT I didn't make my time goal by a long shot." (Even though it was my long shot time goal.)

And Bill just kept telling me "You dropped 26 minutes off of your Pig time. That's a minute per mile!" And I was like yeah yeah yeah.

But I just went back to look at my splits from the Pig in May, and I decided I can be proud of my Marine Corps Marathon time.

I guess that's why everyone says to keep a running log.

So anyway, yay!


Anonymous said...

I think you did awesome! A 26 minute improvement in less than six months time sounds great to me! Oh, definitely start keeping a running log. I love to look back and see what I've done. I am not a fast runner, so I just get excited looking at all of the ground I've covered. Plus, keeping a log with times and distances feeds my obsessive/compulsive/detail side! =) Also, my running log was great comfort during my marathon taper time....comfort looking at the training that I had put in, knowing I'd done my best to get ready.

Casey said...

You should totally be happy! You really did do great! A minute/mile improvement is fantastic!