Monday, November 24, 2008

Running Again!

I finally got to run outside again this weekend!

I can't figure out what I want to do with running this winter...I think I've found out that Bill's job pretty much makes him come home too late to run. I mean, I guess I COULD save my running until after dinner/after Bill gets home. But a lot of times that would mean that I wouldn't get my workout in at all (because I would have to run after 11pm-ish). I also have to be realistic about this...after I eat dinner am I REALLY going to want to go out in the dark and cold and do a run?

The other option is to run in the morning.

I am NOT a morning person. Plus, when my alarm goes off for me to run in the morning I basically just reset it and promise to do my run at night. Plus, my life is a little stressful right now and I am counting my blessings when I actually do get a full night of sleep. So I don't really think I should be skimming off of that end.

But it looks like that might be the only option. So I'd better learn to be a loser and go to bed at like, ten, and wake up early. NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM.

It WAS nice to run outside instead of on the machines this weekend. My legs are even a little sore. I think this is because there is no way a treadmill can replicate the workout you get outside. Running outside clears my head, and I was even happy to do the 4-mile loop around the park, even though just a while ago, I was so sick of it.

Well, I am not going to worry about the running schedule thing TOO much, until after Christmas, when I start really training for the Pig. I do have a fun little run in Prospect Park (which is in Brooklyn) on Thanksgiving morning. Bill is running it with me too!

I just couldn't give up the tradition of doing a race on Thanksgiving. Even though it is only a 5-miler, it makes me feel so much better about piling on all those potatoes later in the evening. ;)

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