Wednesday, November 12, 2008

On and Off of the Wagon

Well, I have been doing pretty good with my workouts...especially since I have hit some stumbling blocks.

I always find it hard to run in the fall/winter because it gets SO DARK SO EARLY. This is why I originally enlisted Bill to run with me last winter (yes, yes and also because I thought it would be cool if we enjoyed another shared activity). It is basically impossible to run in Manhattan because of all of the traffic, unless you are running in the park. 99% of the time that I am in Riverside Park at night I feel completely safe. HOWEVER, I do not think it is a good idea to run there by myself at night. Bill's been working the crappiest hours ever this week, so in addition to not ever seeing him :( I also have to plan alternate workouts for my running days (I just feel safer running with him in the park). So....I've been hitting the gym in the basement of my building and doing the much dreaded treadmill.

Yesterday was a weights day and I was all psyched to go down and use the weights machines. Trouble is, it is one of those combo type machines. Since the machine bolts were screwed down so d@mn tight, I couldn't adjust them to do "multiple" things. This may be because no one ever uses the machines. Come to think of it, I've never seen anyone use them. Or, it may be because I was doing something wrong. Bill said he's used the machines before, so I will have to have him show me sometime. Sooo...I got to do my hamstrings, but not my quads, my triceps, but not my biceps, etc etc. Now, I know how to use free weights (but for some reason hate them), but some guy was using the ones I wanted. But I am proud of myself...I went back upstairs and did my own free weights (8 pounders) while watching "The Simpsons".

So I've been sticking to my plan.


That I just scarfed down two platefuls of potato chips that I got from the kitchen at work. Dodging snacks is going to be the hardest thing...

1 comment:

Casey said...

I hate free weights too. I don't know why. The machines are just so...thoughtless that you don't have to worry as much about form, etc...

Yay potato chips. Boo guilt.