Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Already, a Slip-up

I like to think that the reason people read my blog is because they can relate to, I make too many mistakes to be considered a "serious" runner. I like to think this, but it doesn't mean it's true :) I think it's because when I read blogs and someone is like "And I just didn't feel like eating healthy today, so I didn't." It makes me think that maybe I shouldn't chastise myself too badly (because someone else is in the same boat).

So, here it is, the second day of my workout plan and already I have a (hopefully) "relatable" story.

Last night I went to bed early. I think this is because I was tired from waking up early to run yesterday (pat myself on the back). It could also be that I had a stressful day, but that's another story. Anyway, when the alarm went off at 6:45, I got up to do my cross-training workout and my calves felt sore. So I told Bill "I'm going back to bed, my calves are sore." Now, this is why I told myself (and Bill)it was okay to go back to bed, but seriously? I was just tired.

Because honestly, instead of doing Jillians 30-Day Shred this morning I could have done yoga. That would have also solved my sore calves, which, btw are no longer sore.

So, it's day two and I've already fallen off of the "waking up early to work out" wagon.

Oh yes. And I had a really greasy cheeseburger last night.

With a vodka and tonic.

Make that a vodka tonic and a half (like I said, I had a rough day, so I pretty much jumped at the chance to get "a" drink after work).

Soooooo anyway...the workout gets pushed to tonight, and tomorrow morning is 4 miles NO EXCUSES.

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