Thursday, January 15, 2009

So Hungee

Last night I gave myself a killer workout. It was my version of a cross-training run...a 3 mile run on the treadmill at 7mph followed by my dvd workout for core and strength training. I felt awful sweaty afterwards, but also like I really pushed myself, which is a good feeling. I think I must have really burned a lot of calories though, because I was SO VERY HUNGRY all night. My stomach kept growling and wouldn't stop. And I felt like I was eating enough food. I mean, immediately after my workout I had one of those 100 calorie sugar free jello pudding things. Then after my shower I made myself some pasta with red sauce, which I had with some bread. As my stomach kept growling and growling I decided to top it all off with dessert...cake flavored ice cream! Yum!!! (It only has 4g of fat, so its ok :). I also woke up hungry.

But now that I have had a granola-ey breakfast I am ok.

Anyways, now I have an appalling story.

My friend at work has been training for the PF Chang's marathon this upcoming weekend. She had her last group run last night (in the FREEZING cold). She said that she was wearing tights and as she was walking up the steps from the subway after her workout, some little boy that was behind her told his mom "Whoa! That lady has a fat *ss!" She turned around, appalled, and the boy was in the middle of falling down. He looked directly at her and said "Hey! I almost fell down because I was looking at your huge *ss!"


I know that I am pretty judgemental about things like this, and I don't have children and all of that stuff, but really? I NEVER would have been allowed to say that and get away with it. And I NEVER would have had the... nerve (see, I can't even use "bad" language in my blog) to say something like that out loud, let alone, I would NEVER say that to anyone's face.

The worst thing is, that this girl is skinnier than I am, and I would never say that I have a fat *ss.

What a little jerk.

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