Monday, January 5, 2009


So, I have actually not done much running since my Turkey Trot. BUT, I have still been working out. In fact, I found a whole set of workout dvds that I actually like, because they combine weight training with aerobics and stretching, which is great for me because I think weight training is so boring. The set is called The Firm, and my mom got them for me for Christmas. Don't get me wrong, the workouts are still cheesy (just like any other dvds), but I can actually feel the results on these ones. I also got the NYC Ballet workout, which I love, and had on VHS and had to retire. That one is GREAT for core and flexibility training, although I don't know if I would recommend it to anyone who has not taken ballet classes before. The prompter assumes that you know all sorts of ballet terminology and the whole thing is set up like a barre workout, which could be confusing. I also got Jillian's (from the Biggest Loser) 30-day Shred which I'm hoping will kick my butt.

Because of all of this working out over Christmas (I got up every morning with my mom and sister to workout) I didn't gain a single pound from when I left for Christmas break. This is a miracle, because I really truly overindulged in the eating/drinking department.

Today I put together my marathon training schedule for the Flying Pig. Whew! It totally stressed me out just looking at it. My main mistake last year was not enough hill training. So this year I have hill workouts on every Tuesday. Most of them are from Ramon's hill workouts for the Marine Corps Marathon. I feel like that should put me in good enough shape to run the Pig. I also have speed workouts on most Thursdays (once again, a carry over from Ramon's plans).

The other good thing about training for the Flying Pig is that I will get 4 scored NYRR races in during my training. I am only going to actually "race" two of them. The other two will be just training runs. The reason this is important though, is because if I run 9 scored NYRR races in 2009 and volunteer for one race I will automatically qualify for the New York Marathon in 2010! (As long as they don't change the rules again this year).

Unfortunately, I am still getting over a gross cold that I've had for 5 days and am totally tired. So I won't be running tonight. I am going to try and get 2 easy miles in tomorrow with some cross-training. I know. I am a wimp. But I HAVE to start easy.


Anonymous said...

You answered my question! I've been wondering if you would go back to Roncker's training plan for Cincinnati, stick with your TNT plan or some blend of the two. What kind of plan have you set up for Bill? Is he still planning to do the marathon too?

I hope to do Cincinnati again in May - it would be my second marathon. I used John Bingham's marathon training plan last year. It worked great for me - got me to the finish and having fun. But I want more this year and have been reading different plans to see what suits me. I'm a runner than needs direction (no pun intended!). I like having a detailed plan to follow. Good luck with your training - looking forward to following along!

Unknown said...

Yeah, I think that my NYC training plan was working better for me. I think the Roncker plan was awesome for me, but Ramon really kicked my butt this year...and it made me lose 26 minutes off my Pig time. Bill has decided to do the half. He used Bingham's plan and got a super fast time lst year. Good luck with your training!!!