Friday, November 2, 2007

Back on the Bandwagon

DESPITE the fact that I worked until 12:30 am last night, I STILL went to the gym!!!
Hurrah! I am into cross-training now. I was on the bike last night and whoa, does my butt hurt today! I guess that's why cross-training is good for you.

They also have this cool thing at my gym where they have these monitors on all of the weight machines. You enter in your ID number (which I don't have, since I haven't really been in like 4 months) and it keeps track of your weight, your reps, etc. I guess I will have to ask more about that the next time I go.

This weekend I am going to try and run the Thanksgiving Day course. I really enjoy this course and think it is really fun. Plus, I've run it a ton in all of the training groups so it is a nice familiar run. (It was funny, I was telling Bill last night that you actually run some of the course during the Pig. But during the Pig you are like "wow, that was a nice little warmup" after you are done with that part of the course. When you run the Thanksgiving Day 10k you are like "WHAT?!!! That was only 2 MILES?! But I feel like I'm going to die!")Anyway, since it looks like I am going to be working this weekend as well I might try to get my run in starting from my office and then going to work in my stinky running clothes. :) At least I will be comfortable. It's just too bad for my team. (OK, really, I don't sweat that much. I'm not that mean.)

Oh yes! and did anyone catch that NOVA special on Tuesday? It was called Marathon Challenge . They basically took 13 people who were not runners and trained them for a marathon. They talked about everything that goes on with your body in training and followed these thirteen people through 9 months of training. It was pretty good. AND they explained why I didn't lose any weight from my 2 marathons (none of the other women in the group did either, except for the one lady who was 70 lbs overweight and changed her diet and went to an additional bootcamp.) Anyway, it was good, and if you missed it you should try to catch it (they run all of those PBS shows multiple times...and with all of the channels you are bound to catch it sometime.)

Oh well. Back to the grind.

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