Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Cancelling my Gym Membership

OK, so even though last night was a perfect night to run, Bill and I went to the gym to cancel our membership. Seriously, we haven't been in like 3 months, so we are just throwing that money down the drain.

So we planned on doing our final workout and then cancelling.

I got on the elliptical for an intense workout. My endorphins were pumping. I felt great. (OK, I also felt really gross. Because I was really sweaty. It was so bad that this woman got on the elliptical next to me, gave the guy next to her a dirty look, and moved to the other side of me. I wanted to be like "Nope! It's not him! It's me!...I know it smells like a gross old man, but it's me." I felt sorry for her.) ANYWAY I felt GREAT. I was like "Wow! This is really getting me out of my running funk!"

Then I started to feel sad. I didn't want to quit the gym.

The gym gives me cross-training. It has the weight machines I need to make sure I don't have knee problems. And it has treadmills for when it's too dark out to run.

Bill finished his workout first and came over to me on my elliptical. I was racing! (2.6 miles in 30 minutes...not a lot for running, but those stupid ellipticals never get you ANY that was a good number). I grabbed the handles and pulled closer to him so I could talk to him. "I have a about we don't quit the gym?" I listed all of my reasons.

I know. It was probably a stupid mistake. But we are really going to try and go every other day. I think that is reasonable.

So Thursday is the next gym day.

If I'm not blogging about it on Friday I will quit for real. :)

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