Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Things I Learned From Coach Joe F

We had a little information session last night before our group run where Joe gave us some last minute pointers. Most of them I had heard before, but some of them were new to me. Like:

• Tylenol 8 hour - Joe suggested taking this before the race. Not only is it an anti-inflamatory, but it is also a fever reducer, so it will reduce your core temperature.

• No flip flops! - I hadn't really thought about this one, but who knows? I probably would have worn my flip flops the day before, thinking they were the most comfy shoes I could wear. Joe's concern is that they have no stability, so it might be the stupidest thing you could do the day before the race.

• No red meat two days before - He said this one was kind of optional. Some people do it, some people don't. He just knows that personally for him, red meat is not a good idea.

• Gas-X - I wondered about this after seeing 'The Office' last week. (Dwight accidently slipped Toby some Immodium instead of Ex-lax to throw the race. Toby runs down the street and says 'You know, I usually have to stop to go to the bathroom by now, but I feel great!). This is a good one for me, because no matter what I do, before a big race my stomach feels AWFUL. (Sorry if that was too much information).

• Know what you're drinking - at Chicago they will be having Gatorade Endurance at the water stops. It apparantly tastes different than regular Gatorade. AND even though Gatorade Endurance is what we have at our stops at the Running Spot, we apparantly water it down way more than is directed. (This totally explains why the Gatorade at the Pig upset my stomach and why I told Bill ' I don't know what was up with that Gatorade, it was so nasty. I'm okay if I never have Gatorade again.')

• Fold your cup if you're moving - this is the most efficient way to drink on the go. Smash the top of the cup in half to make the opening smaller and suck down the water/Gatorade. That way you don't pour it all over yourself or get a lot of air (which happens to me and then I burp for the next mile).

• Make sure you drink water (not Gatorade) with your GU. Your body needs water to digest them, and if it doesn't have it, it will take hydration that is stored in your body already. Not good.

• Don't run again until you don't hurt! - I know, a no-brainer. But I can see myself thinking that I need a good recovery run to speed up the healing process. Joe said it wouldn't be surprising if you need a whole week to recover.

I am totally ready!

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