Thursday, October 4, 2007


Yeah. Today is my last day of work and I'm already finding it hard to concentrate. I am very excited. I've already had some trip ups in my plans...

Since I'm running with a CdLS Foundation, we are meeting in the Charity tent...which is fine, but it means I won't get to meet my little mini-group I run with. So I emailed them last night wishing them good luck. Sarah emailed me back though and said she wouldn't accept that they couldn't meet me. So we now have plans to meet up after I meet with my charity. It will be great if I can do both. BUT, if I don't get to meet up with them I cannot let it get me down. I figure I MIGHT even see them somewhere along the 26.2 miles. Who knows?

The second trip-up is that it is supposed to be 86 degrees out. Now, I've only looked at Chicago weather once this week, and it was on Tuesday. I was kind of bummed because it said thunderstorms, but I was kind of okay with it because it was supposed to be 60 degrees. I also told myself that it was way too early to tell. Today the forecast says 86. Ha! I mean, I know I can do it, it's just not what I thought I'd be running in when I thought 'Chicago. October.'

BUT I am still super excited. Especially since this is my first World Major.

Packing is tonight. Leaving is tomorrow. Whoo-hoo!


Runner Leana said...

Good luck on the big race this weekend!

Lauren @ mostly i run said...

Have a good trip, and a GREAT race!

RunnerGirl said...

Good Luck! I was in the training group that you're in, and was supposed to run Chicago as well, but hurt my ankle and had to drop out. Have fun - you'll do great!

Anonymous said...

Good luck, and enjoy Chicago! It's a great city :)