Monday, October 22, 2007

GRRRRR...Foiled Again!

Of COURSE I am travelling again tomorrow, which means that I will have to miss our running group happy hour! I am so bummed, because I felt like this was a really great way to say goodbye to everyone. :(

This training group has been the most fun for me.

I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that this was my third training group. Believe it or not, I don't tend to be very outgoing until I feel really really comfortable with things. Since this was my third group I kind of knew how things ran (ha ha) and was able to introduce myself to people without feeling like a freak. :)
As a result, I of course, met more friends. And NOW I don't even get to say goodbye to those friends!!! Arghh.

Plus, I just want to hear everyone's Columbus stories. I looked up my running friends' times and it looks like they both did great! Hurrah! I'm so proud of them!

It's hard to believe that at this time last year I thought training for a 10k was some serious mileage. A marathon had not even crossed my mind until late December!!!
NOW I consider myself a marathoner (which is still a little funny to me. I mean, would you consider yourself an artist if you had only done 2 paintings?). Don't get me wrong, I AM a marathoner. Especially since I am (at least mentally) preparing for my third. Crazy.


RunnerGirl said...

Any idea which race you'll do for your third marathon?

Unknown said...

I've got to do the Pig again! It was so much fun! Guess I've got to start thinking about my training soon.