Thursday, July 3, 2008

I'm No Longer 18

No kidding, right?

But lately, I've had to remind myself of this.

When I first started dating Bill we went to a pizza place for dinner and got a large pizza, and a calzone (because he wanted one). As he ate his calzone, I finished the entire pizza. I think he was a little surprised, but I said "I TOLD you I eat a lot when I'm swimming." Which was true.

But since college, I really haven't been able to/wanted to do this. I was noticing my metabolism slowing down as well. Well, I think I need to remind myself of this from time to time while I am training.

Since I started Team in Training, I have been eating CONSTANTLY. It's crazy, because I usually don't get this way until much much later in the season. So I don't know if it's because I'm just running more often, or if it's because the past two years of running have sped up my metabolism, or if it's just because I am running harder. It is probably a little of all three. But I am always eating. And I have been really good about eating healthily. But the past two weeks I have sort of been falling off the wagon (eating-wise). Last night, for example, Bill sent me this article at work about this guy who blogs about pizza. It made me want pizza really badly and we ordered from our favorite in our neighborhood, Cafe Viva. We got a large. Now in Cincinnati, a large is an accomplishment. But in New York, NO ONE finishes a large. I mean, people usually order one slice and it's a meal. Bill and I finished the WHOLE THING. And then later, I had ice cream.

I SO felt it today on my run. I just felt like crap. It seemed hot and sticky (even though it was only 86 and mild humidity...much less than usual). I was tired and having a hard time breathing and my stomach hurt. The mini-hills were killing me. I told Bill I would be happy to finish our four miles at a 10 minute pace.

I didn't realize until after the run that it was probably my bad eating habits that were making me feel gross. Hmmm. That's not good, going into a long summer weekend :)
Oh, how I long for those days when I could eat whatever and jump in the pool to swim my race and not have it effect me at all!

Oh, by the way...I did finish my run at 37:24 (a 9:21 pace). Not bad for feeling awful.

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