Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Rotten Egg

(As in "the last one in is...)

I seriously think that Ramon is trying to kill the advanced group.

Last night's workout was killer. And it was just mean that the whole time it looked like it was going to rain, but never did. I was drinking water the whole day in anticipation. I don't think it's good when your ponytail is soaked all the way through before you even finish your warmup. I think it's the dewpoint that is actually killing us. The air was so heavy. Yuck. Anyway, onto the important stuff, the workout:

From East 72nd warmup to the bottom of Harlem Hill (the top of the park, which is around 110th street).
4 x Harlem Hill (which is steep and long with varying inclines) – speed up to the top, recover on the downhill
4 x Lasker Hill (which is winding so that you can't see the end, but not as steep) – speed up to the top, recover on the downhill
Easy back to East 72nd

Even the warmup tired me out yesterday. I was feeling gross and tired because of the heat and therefore I couldn't push as much as I usually do. As a result I was DEAD LAST in our advanced group. And I mean, by a LOT. I hate that. On the recoveries I was okay and caught up with the people in front of me, so at least I could chat a little...but I absolutely hated being last up the hill. I just couldn't will my legs to go any faster.

And those were some hard hills. My legs started to hurt immediately ( like in a "working hard" way, not a "pain" way).

The goal was to build up and push through the lactic acid. I'm still not exactly sure about lactic acid. I've had the whole thing explained to me several times, but the whole concept is sort of over my head.

I was also having issues and couldn't find the restroom at Lasker Pool. By the time I got to the Boathouse the restrooms were locked for the night. So basically I had to deal with stomach issues on top of everything else.

It was not a good workout for me. I know that normally I could have pushed myself harder. But I am just happy that I finished it. I mean, it WAS a killer workout. In fact, it pretty much exhausted me. By the time I got home (9ish) I just wanted to go to bed. I was even having a hard time staying up for the delivery guy (I rewarded myself with a pizza:) .

On Saturday we have a "bridge run" which everyone was moaning and groaning about. When I asked why they said that it was just a really hilly, really tough workout. I can't wait until July (which Coach Ramon dubbed "hill month") is over!

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