Sunday, July 6, 2008

Long Run

I was pretty much dreading my long run on Saturday morning. It's not even like Bill and I stayed up late or anything, but I was just so tired and pretty much didn't feel like running. AND I knew that I would have a good excuse since a lot of people wouldn't be there. When the alarm went off I asked Bill "Do I HAVE to run today?" He said I didn't have to run 15 miles, but I should at LEAST run 6. I angrilly got out of bed and said "Well then, I might as well run 15." Which is pretty funny in retrospect. I am a total grouch in the morning.

It was pretty slim attendance. By the time we started our run though, there were about 100 people there. I was so happy, because Ramon said that the runs today were going to be between 8-12 miles. Whoo-hoo! He also told us that we should TAKE IT EASY because it was so humid out. He told us that you don't get faster by taking your long runs out faster. You get faster by pushing yourself on the speed workouts (Tuesdays and sometimes also Thursdays). The long runs are merely to increase endurance.

I actually had a nice run!

We did the full 12 (two loops) at a 10 minute pace. At the end I had enough energy to book it in. I figured that this was good because Ramon said that we should be able to increase our pace by 30 seconds for the last 25% of our run. He also said that we should have enough energy to add on two more miles without too much of a problem. This is the first time that I have felt that way, so I think that maybe I have found my pace!

Tonight we have a pretty tough workout though. I am not looking forward to it. Hill repeats of course, and I didn't really understand EXACTLY what we were doing, but I know it included 2x 2 miles HARD. And he called it a "test" which is never good.

This week is going to suck for my running because I am travelling and it is always hard to keep up on my workouts when I am not at home. I will certainly make an effort, but 15 miles on my own for my long run is not going to be easy. :(

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