Thursday, July 24, 2008


Last night was a yoga night for me. I kept thinking that this was probably a good thing since I did hills the night before and probably could use the extra stretching.

The problem was that I was pretty much not into it. So I wasn't pushing myself on my stretches. I mean, it was really bad. Like when the girl on the DVD was like "look at Kristen if you can't go all the way into the stretch" I looked at what Kristen was doing, decided that I couldn't even do that, and then just held a resting position like Downward Facing Dog. Therefore I'm pretty sure I got almost nothing out of the workout. (Although I slacked through the entire workout I did partake in the relaxing stretches at the end and deep breathing where you just lay on the floor all the way. I guess I am sort of like Chicken LIttle's friends who ate the bread but didn't do any of the work.)

I also decided that it was time for me to get new running shoes. So after mulling over what to do about that a million times and getting opinions from both Bill and my mentor, Gina, I decided to get the same kind: the Adidas Supernova Cushion. Here was the reasoning: basically, I used to have some knee problems until I got them. I need a more cushioned shoe since I am a mid striker. I went in twice for a fitting at Roncker's (where they put you on the treadmill, look at your shoes and how they have worn, make you walk around a gajillion times, look at your feet and how you stand, etc). At my fitting they put me in the same shoe twice. So I'm guessing the odds are pretty good that I should be in that shoe. Plus, (as Gina so kindly pointed out) we are into some heavy duty mileage. So switching shoes could actually result in injury. Besides, Runner's World always ranks that shoe really high in their yearly analysis of shoes.

So, tomorrow I am going to head over to JackRabbit to pick up a new pair. I hope they have the pink ones in stock!

Also: I think I found out why Ramon makes US run crazy workouts...he is crazy himself. He just completed the Vermont 100 last weekend (that's 100 MILES!). Now that is hard core. Anyway, there was a nice little writeup about him on Inside Nike Running here if you'd like to check it out.

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