Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I Couldn't Make This Up

I have been sooooo careful this season...not falling on the slippery rocks on our trail runs, not losing my footing on all of the trails, avoiding all of the little ditches on the bridal path. So what happens to me today?

A cabinet falls on my feet. Both of them.

It was one of those things that happens in slow motion. I was trying to get some magazines out of the drawers where we store them for a brainstorming session. I couldn't get the middle drawer open because something was preventing the top drawer from closing all the way. I tried opening the middle drawer while simultaneously holding the top drawer closed and the whole thing just toppled over. It pretty much drew the entire 6th floor over, but no one realized that the thing was still on my feet. I was like "Ow. Ow. Ow." And a bunch of people pulled it off.

It skinned the tops of my feet and my ankles, but besides that, I think little damage was done. It doesn't feel broken or anything and I can walk just fine. I am icing and elevating all day now.

It would just figure.

The jury's still out on whether or not to run tonight with the group. We have course click before practice, where the coaches go through the entire course and a bunch of last minute stuff, then a 40 minute run. I am going to see how I feel.

1 comment:

Casey said...

Wow that stinks. :/ Bad timing (is it ever good timing?) for cabinets to fall on your feet. Hopefully they don't hurt too bad tomorrow!