Monday, October 20, 2008

Sneaking in Mileage

OK, well I hesitate to even write this post because I know that my mentor-friend, Gina will yell at me :)

Let me start here: Saturday we had our last "long run" which was only 5.5 miles. It was almost accidentally less because Michelle and I misheard Coach Christine and only did one bridal-path loop. We got back super early and no one else was back yet. We were confused and then figured it out when Coach Christine came back and was like "Wow. You guys must have run really fast." We had shortchanged ourselves 1.7 miles, so we just did a lower loop of the park and made up the difference.

Now here comes the bad part. ;)

This week I am supposed to be relaxing at all costs. No extra workouts, no running around, etc. In fact, my big plans for the weekend included some light cleaning, a haircut and getting a few things I still needed for the marathon trip. One of those things included a book. I am a sucker for a coupon and I had one for Borders. The closest one to my place is at Columbus Circle and since it was such a beautiful day and the train was skipping our stop anyway this weekend, so I convinced Bill that we should walk. Columbus Circle is about 40 blocks/2 miles away. I was totally enjoying the walk/weather until I was like "Oh crap. Bill! I think I'm trying to sneak extra mileage in by walking this far! Gina is so going to yell at me." To which he answered "As she should." I totally didn't mean to. But since my muscles are in recovery I could definitely feel it. To make up for it, when we went to the next store we took the bus. When I thought about walking back to the grocery store Bill said "Emily! No!" I was like "Whatever." And then he told me Gina would yell at me. And so we didn't walk.

He thought this was really funny, how I was being motivated to be good by the fact that Gina might yell at me. It is especially funny because I could never really see Gina yelling at anyone. But I could see her saying "Emily Mason! You are supposed to be RESTING!" and I guess that was motivation enough.

I am finding it really hard to be sedentary though. Not only do I have a ton of energy, but I think running destresses me, so I've been in a pretty crabby mood lately. But despite all of that, I was good for the rest of the weekend. And I AM enjoying the fact that 60-70% of my caloric intake should be carbs this week.

Yum. Carbs.


Casey said...

Borders has always had a sneaky way of sending you fantastic coupons to get you spend more money.

Apparently now, Borders wants to trick you into making your muscles cry. What a jerky store. Congrats on not letting Borders win that one! :D

Anonymous said...


Obviously I have not instilled enough fear in you. I can yell, and if you walk anything even nearly approaching ONE mile before Sunday, I will! And I'll drop another cabinet on your tootsies (you poor thing that sounded awful)

I love that I am mentor-friend now instead of just mentor. Pretty soon I will be just friend, tear!