Wednesday, June 4, 2008

ARGHHHH going crazy

Yesterday I found out that the lottery for the NYC marathon is TODAY not Friday. It is making me crazy. But I've been really good so far and have only checked twice. IBUT the lottery goes until 11:59 tonight.They said that you would know for sure by then. That is frustrating too, because I could not sleep last night. I kept waking up every 15 minutes. I think its because I had the NYRR Anniversary race this morning. It was at 5:30 and I am ALWAYS nervous about races and can't sleep. Unfortunately, it rained like crazy this morning. I already am not a morning person. It didn't help that I hadn't gotten any sleep. Running in the cold, pouring rain on top of that? I pooped out. Just before the alarm was going to go off at 4am I asked Bill "Do you just want to skip this? It is pouring down rain." Luckily, I had coerced him into running it too, and I don't think he wanted to anymore than I did.

Turns out I am glad I didn't. Yesterday was my first run in over a week (there was no way to run in London with my crazy schedule). It was six miles in Central Park. I was kind of pushing myself too. (Even though I only ended up with a 58:40). It was super hot and muggy and I made the mistake of not hydrating at all until the 4th mile. I was sooooo thirsty. I was running with Kaitlyn, who I've been running with since the first practice. We don't like to stop at the fountains, especially since the TNT team sort of runs in a pack. There tend to be lines like crazy at the fountains and it just breaks up our momentum. We finally decided to stop and the fountain was broken! Grrr. Luckily, we knew there was one at the bottom of the park. By that point we only had one mile left! It never ceases to amaze me how much the heat slows me down. I mean I felt like I was really pushing it, but I was so off of my usual Central Park Loop time from the winter.

The point is, that it is probably good that I didn't do the 5 mile race this morning because my achilles was all clicky like it gets sometimes. Gross.

I did feel bad though, because I thought it was a nice thing for the NYRR to put on this race. Entry was free and everything. I'm betting a lot of people didn't show up :(

AND this week is Running Week (but I don't know if that is just in New York or everywhere).

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