Thursday, June 26, 2008

Slacker has a New Meaning

So, as I was getting ready this morning I was feeling like I kind of slacked on my workout last night.

Last night I was planning on doing my yoga tape and some weight training. But I mixed up my schedule and ate dinner before working out. This basically made me pretty unmotivated to work out. Not to mention that I had sort of a heavy dinner (sirloin, asparagus and a glass of red wine). So I decided to do the Crunch Yoga tape rather than the MTV Yoga tape. I knew that the Crunch one was about 15 minutes less than the other one. I also decided NOT to do weights. I also realized how much easier the Crunch video is about 5 minutes into the workout. So I was feeling kind of guilty about that. But I also figured it was probably good to mix it up.

It is surprising to me how relaxing yoga is. I know that it is supposed to be, and that's sort of what it is known for, but yoga has NEVER been relaxing for me. It has always been much more of a chore. I dreaded doing it even though I knew it was good for me. Now, I sort of look forward to it. And I am really concentrating on my breathing. I don't know if that will help me at all in my running, but it does make me feel great.

So, this morning after I felt like I slacked, I immediately realized afterwards that NORMALLY "slacking" for me means not even doing a workout. Or going a couple of days without doing a workout. So then I was like "good for me." :)

I also started reading this book that I have had for awhile. It is called "The Body Sculpting Bible for Women". I got it a couple of years ago, but have really only used to see how to do the weight exercises inside. I decided that I probably SHOULD read it, because it talks about proper nutrition and all of that stuff too. Unfortunately, the whole thing is sort of written like an infomercial EVEN THOUGH the whole first chapter talks about how infomercials lead you in the wrong direction. I mean, the content is great. But the TONE is like an infomercial.

Being an avid reader it really annoys me when the tone of a book is off. (Like the Da Vinci Code...good substance but I HATED the way it was written, so I ended up hating the book). So I don't know if I am going to finish the book or just use it for the weight training exercises, like I have done in the past.

Anyway. Tonight is a ten minute workout and 3 lower loops of Central Park (approximately 1.7 miles each). Each loop is supposed to get progressively faster by 30-40 seconds. I hope the rain holds off :)

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