Saturday, June 7, 2008

I Must Be Super-Fit

Last week at my clinic, the doctor was saying that if you find that you are sweating more during your workouts than you did before it is a sign that you are getting fitter. It's your body's way of cooling itself off and as you work out more, your body's cooling systems becomes better and more efficient.

At any rate, I was sweating a TON today. It was rather gross. The sun was beating down. I have no idea what the temperature was, but I know that today we got up to 94 degrees.

Also, we were doing loops. I pretty much hate loops, especially on long runs. The loops were 3.1 miles each (we were running on a cross country course. The good thing about this was that there was a significant part of the run that was in the woods (hurrah! shade!). The part where we ran in an open field, which I guess was about a mile, was awful. All kinds of people were playing soccer games and I kept thinking how miserable they must all feel. The loops ended up not being so bad, because you ended up knowing that when you got to the bridge for the second time in the loop, you knew that the rest of the loop was downhill.

I was already out of Gatorade by the end of my second loop. The heat was just killing me. So that clinched it for me. I was doing three loops...not four. (Ramon said my group could do anywhere from 3-4 loops).

The funny thing was that I wasn't feeling any pain or anything. I wasn't feeling physically tired from the run, just the heat. Even now, I am not sore. But I have taken in a LOT more water than usual today.

Luckily, Coach Ramon said that it only takes our bodies about 2 weeks of running in this to get used to it. I mean, not like we would be feeling awesome running in 90 degree weather, but at least so that you don't get so tired and have it affect your run as much. That doesn't sound like too long right now. I'm sure I will disagree all of this week though :)

Oh, btw, I did 9.3 miles but I'm not even looking at my time or figuring out my splits. I figure I have a lot of time to worry about that. I'm just chalking this one up to getting used to the heat.

(Also, something else that I never had to worry about in Cincinnati? Riding back in the subway for 40 minutes, dripping wet with sweat. I bet the other people in my car were just thrilled.)

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