Thursday, June 19, 2008

First Race in NYC

Sunday will be my first race here in the city. It is a five-mile run around Central Park (if you haven't noticed , that is pretty much the ONLY place that Manhattanites really run.) Luckily the loop totally avoids Great Hill (which would have been towards the end of the race), but unfortunately we do run up the other large hill in the park which is "Cat Hill". Cat Hill stinks because it is one of those hills that is both steep AND gradual. Coach Ramon said in his last email "Those of you that don't know Cat Hill, you know you are there when you feel like you are running backwards". I would love to get a 45:00 time on this race (or less) but we'll have to see.

I think I can do it because it is the same course that I ran on Tuesday for my speed work. Tonight's workout calls for a mini-speed session on the same course. While running that 5 mile course I am supposed to do 2 minutes FAST three times. So I figure that after running the course twice this week I should have a pretty good idea of what my goal should be.

Last night was a cross-training night, which Coach Ramon told us means doing any sort of workout that is not running. For the past 2 weeks I have used this as my yoga night. I just pop in a DVD (MTV Yoga) and do the whole 45 minute routine. I am finally at peace with the fact that I cannot do all of the exercises (even doing the "easy" modifications). Now I am just looking at the whole thing as a great way to get a deep stretch and increase my flexibility.

I THINK it is working. Already my flexibility has increased since last week...I am able to do more of the exercises. My balance has also gotten better, which we all know is crucial for runners. I would really like to do cross-training (including weights) more than once a week, but this crazy running schedule I am on doesn't really leave time for it. I already feel like running is a big time commitment as it is, so adding in double workouts for a day or two would be crazy. (Although I did do this during college when I was on the rowing team. But come on! I was in college!)

Also, I am gaining weight again. Let's just hope it's muscle mass :)

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