Thursday, July 17, 2008


Warning: This is a TMI post.
But here's the thing...I just got an email from TNT listing out things that runners are too embarrassed to ask. So the fact that enough people had these problems to warrant an email means that I am not weird (I guess) so I figure I can write about them.

Lately I have not been feeling too good on my runs. I have no idea what I am doing differently, but I have to keep stopping at the bathroom. It totally sucks.

Last night I ran my Tuesday night workout. It was supposed to be a full loop in Central Park at 85% effort. Unfortunately I have been working like crazy for a big presentation (tomorrow!) so I had to skip out on my group workout. I hate when this happens because group workouts really push me, plus I love running with all of my TNT friends.

ANYWAY, I had to cut my 6 miles down to 5 miles because my stomach was NOT happy. Plus, I averaged a 9:24 when I know I could have been faster. This has happened to me on my last 3 runs and it is ticking me off.

Really, I am not eating/drinking that differently. But its like IMMEDIATELY after I start my warmup my stomach feels awful.

I hope it stops acting up for this weekend. We have our group race, the Run for Central Park. I am looking forward to it, especially since my friend Jen, from Cincinnati, is going to run it with me! I just picked up the shirts today and they look kind of cool, which is always a good thing!

Oh well, guess I'd better take some TUMs with me just in case.

1 comment:

Judi said...

Try drinking more water. It must be the heat.