Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Crap Run

This weekend the weather was beautiful!

Unfortunately we also hit record temps (over 90 on Sunday).

My first "hot" run of the season is always crap. This one was really bad though.

Bill and I set out to do an easy 6-mile loop of Central Park on Sunday morning. It was super crowded too because the More marathon was going on. (I have no idea how those ladies ran in that blistering heat, especially since, if they are like me, they are used to running in the 60s, max.) So everyone not running the race (including bikers and walkers) had to run in two lanes. I know this sounds like no big deal, but on a nice weekend day in New York, in the park, this is a disaster. I have no complaint about the bikers, they were actually on their best behavior. But it was still just way too crowded and way too hot.

I felt badly for Bill because I was in a grumpy mood, PLUS it was the kind of run that I just needed to finish mentally, so that I could be like "OK. I can run in the heat now." Not good for morale.

I also had to keep stopping for water about every mile.

When I got about halfway up the eastern side of the park I told Bill I needed to stop.

I freaked him out I think, because my face was bright red. I also needed to sit down (which I did, on the fence) and was dizzy. I also had a headache. I did not feel good at all. After much cajoling I promised Bill I would walk the bridal path back to 96th street while he ran the rest of the loop.


But YES. I'm GLAD I STOPPED. (In the long run.)


Anonymous said...

Sorry you had a crappy run.

I'm going to run a fall marathon for the first time this fall. I'm worried about training in the heat. I'd much rather run with frost on the ground. Do you feel like your body adapts to the heat after a few runs in it? Does it get better? I did a 10k in the heat the past Saturday. Ugh! I hope Cincinnati is much cooler!

Unknown said...

I find it takes me about 2 weeks to get truly acclimated. Then it becomes MUCH easier. I still like training in winter better, but the fall marathons are more fun.