Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Not a Lot of Running

Once again, I am not doing a lot of running :(

But, I did get a new running outfit.

This was a promise I gave to myself. I told myself that after I ran my 20 I deserved a new pair of shorts. Yes, shorts. Not a skirt. I don't like running in skirts anymore because they feel so bulky. I know. I was their biggest fan before. But seriously, pants AND a skirt...that seems like a lot of layers. That's why I like the skirtsports skirt. It has spankies instead and has more lightweight material than the other skirts I've tried on. Bill thinks there is a direct correlation between me running faster and me not liking to run in skirts. I don't know what it is. :)

Since I was in Cincy this weekend I dragged my dad and sister to Bob Roncker's Running Spot with me.

I tried on a million outfits. Yes, outfits. Because after all, how could I buy shorts if I didn't have anything to wear with them? Besides, I am a sucker for new clothes.

While I was trying on all of these things my sister and dad were just waiting around in the store with all of the other crazy runners. When we left my dad said something about everyone "praying to the altar of running." I had to think about it for 2 seconds and then I was like "Yeah, it's kind of cultish in there, isn't it?"

I say this with the utmost respect. Bob told us that he set out to create a community of runners and a place where runners could hang out as well as learn about the latest running products etc. He has absolutely done that, and as a result, you can't go into his store without catching a little bit of the enthusiasm for running that all of the people have in there.

I realized that as much as running is a personal sport, it wouldn't be the same if you didn't have all of those other crazy runners to talk to. It made me happy to be a runner.

Plus, now I have a cute outfit to run in.

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