Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Last night was a beautiful night for a run!

And the best part? I actually got to GO on a run even though Bill couldn't run with me. Normally, it is way too dark by the time I would go out for a run. We don't live in a sketchy neighborhood or anything, but I just don't think it's the smartest thing to do with all the crazies that are out in the world.

Last night it didn't actually get dark until after I was back from my run and in my apartment!

And it was so warm!

I think everyone must be sick and tired of being shut inside all winter because there were tons of people in the park (and dogs too).

It made me feel happy.

Too bad it went back to the 40s and is raining all day today :(

Oh yeah. And I can't believe I totally forgot to mention this...

I got accepted as a Team in Training mentor for the fall season! That means I will be running the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco this fall as well as acting as, well, a mentor, to about 10 teammates. We already basically start the season on Monday, when I have to go to a mentor meeting. I am excited!


Bobbie Jones said...

Congrats Emily! You will make a great mentor!

Gina said...

You are going to be the best mentor ever! (And you will owe everything you learned to me of course)


Casey said...

Oh wow! Congrats! That's going to be a great fall marathon! Plus, get some sight-seeing done too! :)