Thursday, August 13, 2009

Bill, Do NOT Read This Post

I just happen to know that my husband gets quite squeamish when this subject comes up :) To be fair, I usually do too.

Anyway, I've joined the club of marathoners who have lost toenails!

I'm not entirely convinced that it was a marathoning thing, but I'm sure that all the running I do didn't help.
See, I have been rather lax when it has come to pedicures in the past month (which is very unlike me). I've just been sort of layering polish on top of polish. So last night, I decided to take my time and actually do things properly. As I was removing the polish from my last pinky toenail I noticed it was extraordinarily long. I also noticed that as I wiped the cotton ball across, the toenail came almost completely off.

I started freaking out.

Bill asked what I was doing and I was like "You don't want to know. You don't want to know. Get me the toenail clipper!!!"

I clipped it off and it bled. I cleaned it out and put massive bandaid coverage over it so that I didn't have to see it.

Then it started hurting. Really hurting.

I know I have no business even complaining. I know many people who've lost a lot more than a baby toenail. I don't think I could handle that.

Luckily my toenails grow super quickly. AND my baby toe is super stubby and I'm hoping I won't have to worry about it for much longer.

1 comment:

Jives79 said...

Ha! This is just the beginning, my friend. They start dropping off like flies once you lose the first one. ;-)