Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Shoe Review! The Pearl Izumi Syncrofloat III : Speedwork Test

So, the coolest thing ever happened to me a couple of weeks ago...the marketing coordinator from Pearl Izumi contacted me and asked if I would like to try out some Pearl Izumi shoes and review them on my blog.

OF COURSE I said yes.

After visiting their website, I decided (with his help) that the Syncrofloat III would be the closest match to what I currently wear, which is the Adidas Supernova Glide. So, even though I was excited at the prospect of trying new shoes I was also nervous for a few reasons:

• I used to have knee pain and after running in the Supernova Cushion (now the Supernova Glide) my knee pain went away
• I spent a long time having my gait and shoes analyzed by a runner/podiatrist and he selected the Supernova Cushion for me
• I have run 5 marathons and countless other races in the Supernova Glide
• Until last year, I was pretty sure that Pearl Izumi was a tri-athlete brand only, and why would you get shoes from someone who specializes in triathlons? Triathletes are looking for something much different.

I was also nervous because from the description it sounded like these shoes had a little less cushioning and a little more stability than I was used to.

I got them in the mail on Monday night.

They looked so much cooler than my shoes.

But we all know...looks aren't everything.

I was excited to try them out for my speedwork practice last night, which involved brutal hill repeats (this time Harlem Hill, which is WAY worse than Cat Hill) until the coaches said to stop. Oh yeah, and it was 88 degrees out. And humid.

Because of our practice time I had to change at work. Walking to the subway I felt all bouncy and airy in them. But I was still skeptical. First of all, they are new shoes, and new shoes always feel bouncy and airy. My real test is when I start running and how much of the pavement I can feel.

The advanced group started on the Bridal Path by the Reservoir to head towards Harlem Hill, nice and easy. I actually felt like there were springs in my in the back. It seems like there is a lot more cushioning in the heel than I am used to and this is what I am attributing the springy feeling to. HOWEVER there is not as much cushion in the front of the shoe. But I'm not convinced that this is a bad thing. I say this because I actually feel like I was running differently in these shoes.

This is what I felt was happening...

I got an extra spring in my heel, propelling my leg forward faster, but also providing me with a quicker turn-over. (So I didn't need the padding in the front because I felt like my forefoot was on the ground for less time.)

Now, we did a gruelling 6 repeats of that awful hill. I HATE that hill. I am always far behind the rest of the people I usually run with when I do Harlem Hill repeats (it is much steeper than Cat Hill) and I can't seem to turn on the speed until I'm well past the water fountain (about 2/3 of the way through).

Usually I am a very neutral runner. I don't pronate or suppinate, I don't run heavy, and I tend to be a "midfoot striker". When I do tests on my form the coaches always ask if that is how I always run, because they are surprised I run so evenly. However, when I do hill repeats like this over and over, my form starts to fall off.

I find myself trying to run on my toes to make it up the hill and then try to correct myself because it feels "off." It usually takes a couple of strides to correct this.

I did not have that problem in these shoes. I noticed myself running on my toes on the third repeat and IMMEDIATELY was able to correct it. I have no idea why...more stability? different turnover? who knows?

So the shoe test was a success. For now.

I must say, I'm surprised (as were all of my friends). I never would have tried a Pearl Izumi shoe on my own. Saturday we'll see how they do for a long, slow, 15 miler.


busyrunningmama said...

I am soooo glad to see your review of this shoe. I have just started running and my "long run" unlike yours, is still only at 4 miles, but I am training for my first 1/2 marathon. I am on the search for a new shoe and I am currently wearing an Adidas shoe (embarrased to say, one I found at Marshalls for $30.00 before I decided I actually love running). I actually love the shoe, but it is a 1/2 size too small and I know I need something that is conducive to training and distance running, so my quest for the right show has begun. I had gait analysis done and I am also a neutral runner so I may even try the Adidas that you usually wear but I think I will try the Pearl Izumi as well!! Thanks for the info!
Also, I am not only new to running, but also to blogging so any info, comments, etc, would be greatly appreciated.!!!

Casey said...

Awesome shoe review! Those look pretty snazzy, too. They may just be the shoe I try once I return to running (~mid-Nov)! :D