Thursday, May 1, 2008

Sparse Posting

I have been very bad about posting to my blog lately. It is completely work's fault :( When I put in 14 hour days the last thing I want to do is blog. In fact, I haven't really been running much this week either, which is BAD. But I remember reading in Runner's World that the week before a marathon sleep is more important than getting those last few runs in (if you absolutely must choose between the two).

That being said, I am so excited about the marathon!
We leave tomorrow for the long drive, and it looks like the weather is going to be great (knock on wood). I am being very diligent about not drinking alcohol. AND I am going to eat pasta only the night before the marathon, even though my friends are going to be eating delicious cookout food. I just can't trust myself to eat it because I have no idea what it would do to my system. I haven't eaten cookout food in sooooo long. So THAT is going to be a test of my willpower.

I am also looking on to my next marathon.

I decided to join Team in Training and hopefully I can get into New York (TNT doesn't have any guaranteed spots) if not, I will be running the Marine Corps Marathon in DC. Our group already starts training NEXT WEEK! Isn't that crazy?

Let me tell you, these TNT people don't mess around. I faxed over my commitment form at 4:00 one day and my mentor called me at 5:00! AND I've already received a big packet with a book and a bunch of info and my training shirt. I only committed on Tuesday! Most of the runners I have met are very disorganized, so this is crazy for me.

I canNOT believe that the marathon is in 3 days!!!


Anonymous said...

Good luck. You are going to do great! Can't wait to read all about it.

Anonymous said...

I've been following your blog since the Pig last year...good luck this weekend and I hope you have a great race! I hope running with the pace team helps you get your time goal :)
- Jen in Va.

damguy said...

Congratulations on all your training. I hope you have a safe trip & a successful run. If you don't get into NYC the Marines will gladly welcome you. DC is a blast & your time will be better than in Cinti. Tell your dad that DAMguy he works with says hello & will be running that day too.