Wednesday, February 21, 2007


So I just remembered this while I was reading one of the CinWeekly marathon blogs...its kind of funny.
I know a lot of marathoners have chafing issues, especially guys (I witnessed a particularly gruesome outcome of this one snowy day at running group. It is so gross I have a hard time even thinking about it). I have never really had too much of a problem with this. One day my shuffle was rubbing against my midsection (I clip it to my waistband) and it was raining and I ended up with two little scabs that looked like a vampire attacked me at my hip. But thats really it. Until last week. This time my ipod was not the culprit. When I got home from my run I noticed a little scab on my belly button. Apparantly my running tights squeeze my belly button together and my navel ring chafed me. Maybe it is not all that funny. But it makes me lol. I mean, in all of the articles and such I have read about chafing no one has ever mentioned body jewelry.

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