Thursday, February 22, 2007

Grasshopper Legs

Last night was pilates, which is usually fine. I have been going on Mondays and Wednesdays and find that it is a nice complement to my training. I have really been pushing myself lately and I could definately feel it in my abs during my last run. Last night, I was waiting for the class before us to finish so that we could go in for our class (does that make sense?). Anyway, I was sitting on the floor and when I got up, THAT'S when I noticed how sore my legs were. Ouch! Of course we did a LOT of leg work in class. I have been pretty impressed with my range of motion lately. I have hardly had to do any of the modifications to the exercises. But last night I looked like a grasshopper. My hamstrings were so tight that I couldn't keep them straight for anything. I usually have to bend a little but this was ridiculous. So I felt like I got nothing out of the class. Which is actually stupid because just going is good for me, and even though I couldn't do the exercises full out I was able to concentrate on form. Needless to say, I decided to take today off and give my legs a rest so I can do the big eleven on Saturday. I am secretly okay with this because we have happy hour tonight.

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