Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Magic Run

Last night I had a really great run with the group. Since we were only doing 7 miles I decided to try out something new with my form. I have this issue where I hardly pick up my feet when I am running. This severely shortens my stride, which is a shame because I have incredibly long legs. So last night, I tried to pick up my feet so that my calves were almost paralel to the ground. ZOOM! I went from the back of the pack to the middle! OK, so it was a little more tiring and I ended up slowing down later, but I figure I will just continue to work on extending the time that I can do that and I will be golden. I also kept a 10 min pace the whole time, which is good for me. I guess I just have to work on my endurance a little more. Running in Eden Park in the dark was also fun. Seeing the glittery skyline reminded me of when I used to run along the promenade in Brooklyn. There's always something kind of magical about that. Running around Mirror Lake was surreal, because there were so many of us and it was so dark that you could just catch glimpses of reflective tape here and there around the lake. Plus I had a great mix on my ipod. I just felt like I had a very magical run last night. I know that sounds cheesy, but it was very cool. These nights remind me why I run.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your post made me miss New York even more. The promenade is a magical place.