Thursday, February 21, 2008

It Does a Body Good

So, I really really really hate milk. I have never liked it and my parents (since they knew I needed it because of all of the wonderful things I insisted on eating as a child :) made me drink it when I was little. Bill has encouraged me to drink milk as well, because I don't get nearly as much calcium as I need and we all know that runners need even more.

I've toyed with it as an adult. I bought myself chocolate milk to drink after a run. But after drinking half of the little bottle I just stuck it back in the refrigerator, never to drink it again. Bill would take it out every day like "Are you going to drink this?" and I would promise him that I would and then I would let it expire.

I do the same thing with yogurt.

So after one of my long runs a couple of weeks ago Bill poured me a coffee cup of milk and put it in front of me. I choked it down and chased it with Ginger Ale.

But NOW I drink it after every run. I still don't like it. It is disgusting. But I know I need it too. So that's my step to becoming a healthier runner. I know it isn't a big deal to most people, but it is to me. So I'm patting myself on the back. :)

But DON"T think I'm going to eat yogurt!!! Bill picked up a yogurt in the grocery store and it had reese's pieces in it (which is totally not in his character) I was confused and asked him "Why are you getting that?"
He said "For you." I was like "No way! You think you got me to drink milk and now I'm going to have yogurt? Forget it! I draw the line there. Yogurt is disgusting...unless it's in Mediterranean food." He was like "oh, you're drinking milk now? OK, nevermind then."

One step at a time.

1 comment:

Judi said...

Just take a calcium supplement if you hate it that much. It works.